Managing Admin Accounts in the Admin Portal

If you are a Coordinator or SuperAdmin, you can assign Admin Portal permissions to any current Everyday Speech user!

In order to become a Coordinator for your district's Everyday Speech account, you can simply reach out to your admin to see who has Admin Portal access for your district. The person who already has access to the Admin Portal can grant you access as well!


To learn how to assign a user role, we have a step-by-step tutorial below!

1. Please head to the Everyday Speech Admin Portal and login. If you are a designated admin, your login will be the same as on our SLP login page.

2. Locate the email address of the license that you wish to update and click the right-pointing arrow under Actions.

3. Click on the Role drop-down menu.

From here, you can select Coordinator to give this user Admin Portal access.

Please don't change an existing user to a Billing Admin. This role restricts the user from accessing our Social-Emotional Learning Platform. 

If you would like to designate a Billing Admin, please reach out to us via email:

4. Lastly, click Save to implement the role change.

Once the role is saved, the credentials for the user will stay the same! They can continue to log in to the SLP as usual.

If you have changed a User to a Coordinator, they can now use their login information to access the Everyday Speech Admin Portal.


To learn how to create a new Coordinator, please follow the step-by-step guide below!

1. Please head to the Everyday Speech Admin Portal and login. If you are a designated admin, your login will be the same as on our SLP login page.

2. You should now see your Admin Portal dashboard. Click on the button that says Add Users.

3. Next, make sure that the Role selected is Coordinator

Please note: if you are paying per license, you must have an available license to create a new Coordinator (site license orders always have available licenses). If you would like to purchase more licenses, please reach out to us at

4. Enter the email address of the Coordinator, and click Add Users.

5. Click Okay.

The Coordinator will now be sent an email prompting them to set up their password in the Platform (access to materials and our curriculum).

This same login information will be used for the Everyday Speech Admin Portal.

Please note: at this time, new Coordinators are only sent an invitation to our Platform login page.

As our admin page is a different URL, Please ask the new Coordinator to bookmark the following link for future use:


Their login information for the Admin Portal is the same as their login information for the Platform.