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Navigating the Social Communication Curriculum

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Full curriculum: Skills & Goals

Lesson Units

Material pop-up window

You can also follow along with our Everyday Speech expert here!

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With the Toolkit tab at the top of your dashboard, you can manage Students & Groups, Homework Assignments, and view your Playlists. Learn more about the  Toolkit feature here or follow along with our Everyday Speech Expert:

Full Curriculum

You can view your full curriculum in the 'Full Curriculum' tab above your dashboard! Here, you will be able to see all your skill sets and curriculum goals within each skill.

Browse All Materials

With over 400+ video lessons and more added every month, you can find all of the material you need just above your dashboard in the main navigation board.

Click on Browse All Materials in the blue navigation bar. 

You’ll be redirected to our Browse All Materials page. You can choose to filter and view All Materials, Videos Only, Activities Only, Games Only, or our Everyday Speech World Chapters.

You can filter through our materials even further based on the skill your learner is working on, their age, and the type of material they’re working on! 


Looking for something specific? Search the title or skill in the search bar to find any material at your convenience!


After using the Platform for a little bit, you'll notice the first thing you see after logging in is a dashboard. Want to jump back into a video you saw earlier? It's right there for you. Want to pick up where you left off in the curriculum? You can see the Goals you viewed most recently.

As you view more materials inside the app, the dashboard will change to a custom view. Your dashboard is personalized based on the materials you've been working with, so it will look a bit different for everyone.

Recently Viewed Materials

At the top, you’ll see your most recently viewed materials. This allows you to jump right back into a piece of material you recently opened. To find all the materials you've looked at so far, just click on that View All link next to Recently Viewed Materials and you will see a longer listing of your viewing history.

Recently Viewed Goals

All of the materials in our library are tagged with a Goal that they work on. You’ll learn about these goals more in our Full Curriculum section, but here you’ll be able to jump right back into any goals related to the content you’ve recently seen.


A quick way to get to your Playlists, we show your most recently created lists here. To see all of your Playlists, click on the View All link or click on Playlists in the navigation bar.

Full curriculum: Skills & Goals 

Our curriculum is divided into Skills and Goals. 

Skills are overarching areas to work on, like Basic Conversations, Problem Solving, and Friendship. Each Skill is made up of multiple Goals. For example, Conversation Topics includes the goals of Making Connected Comments and Think it or Say It, among others.

When you navigate to our Skills listing, you’ll notice that Skills are in a numbered order. This is our suggested developmental order for a learner that is starting from the absolute beginning. It’s likely that you’ll have learners who have very specific needs - it’s entirely okay to start somewhere in the middle, or jump around in an order that makes sense for you.

Once you choose a Skill that you’d like to work on, Goals will appear on the right-hand side. Again, this is in a suggested order, but you can feel free to jump to the best starting point for your learner.

Once you select a Goal, you’ll be taken to the Goal page.


Packed with a ton of great information, our Goal pages are the powerhouse of our curriculum. They contain:

Goal Summaries - great for matching with IEP goals. 

Britt’s Tips - quick training videos, see Britt’s suggestions on how she would teach her students using the material!

Visual Supports - downloadable icons and posters, great for reinforcing concepts taught.

Pre-made Lesson Units - organized into progressive order to take your learners through a particular Goal in our curriculum!

Please note: Not every Goal has Britt’s Tips and visual tools right now. We’re constantly adding these, so check back throughout the school year to see if we’ve added them. If there’s a particular Goal you’d really like to see a Britt’s Tip for, definitely let us know!

Lesson Units

On our Goal pages, you’ll find the Lesson Units that bundle and organize our materials for you. Designed to take the questions and effort out of lesson planning, the Lesson Units suggest an order for teaching a Goal and present our best materials for that Goal.

Each lesson follows the same structure to ensure your learners are mastering each goal. They follow the sequence of:

  1. Introduce

  2. Practice

  3. Apply

  4. Review

Every lesson is designed to take up an entire session. That said, if you have shorter or longer session times or your student is moving at a different pace, don’t feel you have to stick to the one (1) lesson per session rule. Every learner is different! We highly recommend reviewing video lessons multiple times to make sure your learners retain the skills taught.

Lesson units are broken down into different age groups - Pre-K - Elementary and Middle - High School. Learners on the fringes of these age groups may be able to use either one. Generally, our Middle - High School units have videos with older actors, and more complex worksheets and activities.

We’re adding new units all the time, so if you don’t see a unit for a goal you want to work on, check back later and we may have added it! 

Material pop-up window

When you click on any material, a pop-up window will appear. It is generally divided into three (3) sections:

1. What to Do: contains suggestions on how to use the material and what steps to take next

2. Preview: contains the material itself, the Save to List button, View Description button, Mark as Seen button and the Send as Homework button

3. Place in Curriculum: lets you know where the material belongs in a lesson unit 

Some materials may not be part of a pre-made lesson unit yet. These won't have a What to Do and Place in Curriculum section in their Content Popups. However, you will still be able to save these to your lists, mark them as seen and send them as homework!