Send as Homework feature


Please note that the "Send as Homework" feature is currently only available in the Social Communication Curriculum.

Homework Assignments

The Homework Assignments feature allows you to view all materials that have been shared with your learners.

This feature allows you to:

  • View all assignments sent to students to complete
  • View the date and time (in your local time) the material was shared
  • Confirm that students have completed the assignment
  • Check your student's answers if they complete a play-on-screen activity
  • See the date that students completed the assignments

Send as Homework

To share a piece of material, simply click the button labeled Send as Homework on any material in the platform under the Social Communication Curriculum. You can find this button in the Browse All Materials view, on your Playlists, or on the Material itself.



You will be prompted to select a student profile to link the homework to.


Don't have student profiles yet? You can click 'Skip for now' and then create one by clicking 'New Student Profile' here.

When you click 'Copy Homework Link', the link is saved to your device's short term memory. As long as you don't copy anything else, the link is ready to be pasted.

You can share this link with the student or parent by pasting it in an Email, Google Classroom or any other communication tool.


You will only be able to share this link with students by clicking the yellow Copy Homework Link button. Copying the URL from the browser will not allow students to access the materials.

How to track student completion

Once you have sent the send as homework link to students, students can click on the shared link to complete their homework!

Limited Student Access

Students will only have access to the material you shared, with no ability to navigate to other materials or elsewhere in your account. If you want to share multiple materials, we recommend you send multiple links, with one for each material. 

When the student receives the link and opens it, they will have direct access to the material. With no need to create an account, your student can open this link on a computer or tablet which will look like this: 


After the student completes the material, they should click the button that says Finish Material and Mark as Complete. This button is not available unless the student is in the final 10 seconds of the video, has downloaded the activity or has opened the game.


When the student clicks this button, they will be prompted to enter their first name and last initial. This information will be reported back to you, so make sure you encourage students to do this when they finish assignments.

By visiting Toolkit and then Homework Assignments, you can:
  • See which students you sent the materials to
  • Copy the homework link again to share with other students
  • See the status of the assignment (pending means not finished, complete means finished)
  • Add student profiles to the homework assignment (this does not send the homework to them)
  • Unlink a student from the homework assignment