To view all users in a particular order, you can sort them by the following categories:
- User (sorts by last name)
- Access role
- Professional role
- License type
Please note that sorting by Status or Days active is currently unavailable.
To sort your users, click the category in the grey bar on top of your list of users:
In the example above, we clicked "User" to sort the users alphabetically by last name.
Use the horizontal scroll bar (outlined in the photo, below the user list) to see more categories.
Double-click the category to reverse the sort order. For example, double clicking the User category will sort the users alphabetically by last name, starting with Z.
Filtering temporarily eliminates certain users from your view so you can see a more focused list. You can also export a filtered list.
You can filter users by the following categories:
- Status
- Access role
- License type
- Professional role
To filter your users, on the left side of your view, click the checkbox indicating the user traits you want to see:
In the example above, we selected "Status - Active" to only show users who have an Active license in your view.
You can then click Export to export a list of users filtered to your specifications.
You can refresh your page to quickly clear your filters.