When to use Additional Support Bundles

See what our Additional Support Bundles included in our SEL curriculum can do for you!

In addition to the 40 weeks of SEL lessons and materials you’ll find in our SEL curriculum, our Additional Support Bundles are specifically designed to support learners who may need a deeper dive or further instruction (Tiers 2 and 3 support). This article outlines how to use our Support Bundles to supplement your building’s SEL instruction! 

What are Additional Support Bundles?

In an Additional Support Bundle, you’ll find 7-10 pieces of material from our Social Communication Curriculum (SCC). We included videos, games, worksheets, and Everyday Speech World activities that take a deeper dive into the SEL competency covered in the Unit.

Our Additional Support Bundles allow you to provide Tier 2 and 3 support while keeping these students aligned with the rest of your building. 

Where can you find Additional Support Bundles?

In our Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum, click Full Curriculum.  If you have just logged in, your account will automatically show you the Full Curriculum view.

Choose your grade-level by clicking the corresponding grade-level tab.

The first Unit for the grade will appear automatically. If you need to access a later Unit, scroll down and open the Unit you would like to work with. 

At the bottom of each Unit, right beneath the completion badge, you’ll find the Additional Support Bundle. Click See Support Bundle materials to access the Support Bundle materials.

Who should use Additional Support Bundles? 

Our Support Bundles are intended for professionals who work with learners in small groups or 1:1 settings such as:

  • Social Workers
  • School Psychologists
  • School Counselors
  • SEL specialists
  • Other related professionals 

What types of learners can benefit from our Additional Support Bundles?

Our Support Bundles are intended for learners who:

  • Receive targeted small group or individual instruction in the area of SEL.
  • Can perform a skill with some help, but not independently.
  • Lack the prerequisite skills needed to perform a more advanced skill.
  • Struggle with the basics of social communication and interaction.
  • Benefit from extra SEL support. 

How can you use an Additional Support Bundle?

Our Support Bundles work best when they’re used to supplement the social-emotional learning instruction your learners receive in a general education setting. Below are a few suggestions for how to use an Additional Support Bundle:

  • Show a video during your 1-1 session that provides more instruction at a slower pace, but aligns to the same SEL skills they’re learning in their classroom.
  • Play a game with your SEL intervention group and discuss how those SEL skills apply to their own lives. 
  • Use an activity during center rotations to reinforce the SEL competency you’re addressing during whole class instruction. 

Ultimately, use an Additional Support Bundle material to reteach and reinforce the social-emotional skills they’re already working on!

Can I use the Additional Support Bundles for intensive, direct instruction in social communication?

Although our Additional Support Bundles provide excellent additional instruction in the area of SEL, they do not address more intensive social and pragmatic skills. For learners who require direct instruction in the area of social communication, our Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) would be more appropriate. Our SCC platform includes nearly one thousand pieces of material where students can learn the basics of conversation skills, self-regulation, emotional recognition, and more.

Learn more about our SCC platform here


Additionally, if you are a current SCC user, the Support Bundles within the SEL curriculum are not an adequate replacement for the SCC.


If you think you’d benefit from both our SEL and SCC curriculum, you can purchase a Bundled Curricula license! This is great for the educator that works in both small group and whole class settings, supporting Tier 1, 2, and 3 instruction in both Social-Emotional Learning and Social Communication. 

Learn more about our Bundled Curricula here.