Session Planning

Our Sessions feature is available with select plans, and can provide you with an easy way to prepare both individual and group learning experiences! 


Creating a session

Starting a session

Editing a session

Deleting a session

Sessions are located in the blue navigation bar under My Toolkit. Here, you can:

    1. Create a new session
    2. Start a created session
    3. Edit an existing session
    4. See past sessions

To create a session:

  1. Click "New session"
  2. Set the date and time you are meeting with your group or student
  3. Select the group or student profiles who will be participating. If you haven't set up your group/student profiles, please see here and here.
  4. Select materials for your session in the following ways:
    1. Filter our suggested materials so they fit your needs. Filters include age, skill, grade, and curricula (depending on your plan).
    2. Type in a keyword or two in our Search materials bar 

 5.   Add any notes to the session, if applicable

 6.   Click "Complete Session Prep" in the upper right corner

You may also create a new session by clicking any material in the curriculum. 

Via Browse All Materials:

  1. Next to every material, there is a navy "Material Actions" button to the right of the material name.
  2. Click "Plan in Session" to add the material to the current session, or create a new session.

Within the Curriculum:

  1. Once you select a specific material from the Curriculum, the material will open in a popup window.
  2. Below the preview of the material, click the yellow "Plan in Session" button to add the material to the current session, or create a new session.

To start a session:

  1. Click My Toolkit in the blue navigation bar, then select "Sessions"
  2. Select the session you want to start
  3. Once inside the session, click the material you'd like to play
  4. Once the session is over, it will be moved to the "Upcoming and Past sessions" section

To edit a session:

  1. Click on the session you would like to edit
  2. In the upper right corner, click "Edit session"

To delete a session:

  1. Click on the session you would like to delete
  2. In the upper right corner, click "Delete session"