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  2. Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum
  3. Pricing for the Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum

Who has access to the SEL curriculum?

Anyone who has purchased our SEL curriculum has access!


Our SEL curriculum is completely separate from our Social Communication Curriculum (SCC). The two curricula have different layouts, materials, and features. Additionally, our SEL curriculum is geared towards full-classroom instruction, whereas our SCC is geared towards 1:1 or small group intervention for Tier 3 supports.

To learn more about the differences between our two curricula, please see this article.


If you have an SCC subscription (our Social Communication Curriculum geared toward Tier 3 support students), the SEL curriculum is not included.

If you are unsure which curricula you currently have, please see this article.


Interested in purchasing our SEL curriculum, or adding our SEL curriculum to your current SCC subscription? Click here to find out how!